Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One God

Just had to share this tidbit from Bryce. Out of the mouths of babes...

As I was tucking in Bryce for bed last night, instead of his usual "Ma, pray for me." He said, "Ma, pray for God." I smiled and said, "You mean, pray to God?" He ever so seriously replied with a curled brow, "No, one God!" It took me a spit second to get that he misunderstood my use of the word "to," but right on in the doctrine side!!!!


Heidi said...

wait until you have to start explaining the Trinity. That should make life interesting. Our kids program has all ready touched on that for 4 year olds and thankfully, we just did it and moved on for now. Not that I don't want my kids to know the Trinity, I just don't know if I (human) want to try to explain it to anyone else (as I don't quite get it either).

Juliet said...

Out of the mouths of babes..please get a notebook and keep those sayings you kids make in a book. You will think you will remember, but you'll forget many their age, the circumstances, etc.