Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Too much info

As the weeks go on, I am finding that it seems everywhere I turn, someone has a story to tell about the nonsense that the hubby has been doing for the last year. Why did everyone keep it hidden for so long? Not that some of these people knew me enough to call me up and say "hey, you might want to keep and eye on the hubby." But why now do I find out things like he has not been wearing his wedding ring at work for almost a year and flirts with all the female employees?!!! Or, I was told by the mom of a girl he works with that she has worked with him since last fall and just found out recently that he was married. She was shocked because she had flirted back and forth with him and never knew he had a family. These things sting me to the core. Sometimes I wish I did not know them, but on the other hand, now I know who he really is. I know the Lord could perform a miracle and bring him back. But I also realize that is probably not going to happen any time soon if it has really been this long. He really left us a long time ago. Now that I am realizing that, I am beginning to detach my heart a bit. The waiting can come to an end and the healing can begin to occur.


Heidi said...

If he were to want to come back, would you really want him to? With all the things he has been up to, would he be worth the trouble, though definitely worth forgiving?

Heidi said...

I hope I made sense.

mitchells2000 said...

My heart hurts with you! Knowing the hubby like I thought I did, I am surprised. I am thankful, though, that you are now able to begin healing... that's the important part! God's grace is sufficient...

Also, if you wanted to, you could make your blog restricted access, so only people you invite could read it. That way, you could post pics of the kiddos, and not have to refer to them as numbers. Just a thought... I have several friends that have done that, and I am contemplating it as well. I would not do it for my protection, as much as for my family members who have children, or the one that is now officially a Marine. If you restrict access, you send people an invitation to read via e-mail. If someone wants to join your list of readers, they can e-mail you and you then send an e-mail invite to them. I didn't know if you knew about this option, so thought I'd let you know! :-)

Heidi said...

if you take the mitchells advice, I would be interested in knowing how to do that too so we could share pics.
